Screams echoed around as fire and smoke lit the night sky with sounds of blaster fire and lightsabers being ignited. The only thing she could only focus on was her own coughs.
The screaming got even louder, and soon the shots of blaster fire were about ear range. Fire was crackling in the air, consuming everything its masters told it to. Smoke came from everywhere and began invading the vents and small ducts. The sounds of lightsabers soon grew faint and then all she could hear were words over comlinks hidden by the cracks of fire and laughs. The 5 year old girl coughed excessively as she crawled through the ducts, trying to find a way out. Everything was a blur to her. The clone troopers firing on Jedi, and then Master Skywalker attacking her friends. Everyone was slaughtered and if not for the stone structure, the Temple would surely collapse in a few days. The only thoughts that raced through her mind was the last decision she could clearly make: escape. She witnessed it all, and he was chasing her. The man well-known by all had struck the line of good, igniting his inner flames and doing that which he never would. She couldn't leave her master, but someone... something was telling her to keep going. It was almost like a faint voice that guided her... a voice she would never know who it belonged to. The smoke had begun to enter her lungs.. and her coughing rose. She wondered if she could honestly escape this hell alive, or if this was just a dream, a nightmare her childish mind could easily fret about with the dangers and threats other people possessed. She soon saw fire rise up on the other end and she tried her hardest to crawl backwards. And then she fell, slipping through a grate into the black of night, seeing the many lights that hovered above her with the many apartments and ads for products she never understood. All she knew was that no one could save her as she continued to fall. She would never see tomorrow.
Gasping and reaching for air, Crystaall's eyes shot open, wide and hoping to see its fellow hand in front of its face. She continued to pant as she slapped her hand down on her blanket. The panting slowed down as she grabbed her throat to make sure she was alright. Nothing was wrong. Just a bad dream. And everything clicked back into play. She knew where she was, what had happened yesterday and how she got home. Everything was fine. And yet there was something wrong. There wer no sounds of children playing in the streets or the lone musician standing on the side of the street, playing for some quick credits. She could hear no one but the small chirps from her droid companion as he looked at her with confusion as if he too, was confused by such silence. At least she killed her annoying neighbor downstairs. His ongoing dream streak would never cease to end. She hoped she never went out like that as she slowly climbed out of her bed. Crystaall activated the armor, allowing itself to form every join in her body. Once the system was fully done with its many churning gears, she grabbed her helmet and placed it on her head. Then came the strong fast footsteps that ran up her stairs. And it started with the destruction of her apartment's door.
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