The guard shut the door as the two entered and walked about the room. There was only one main room, with a bed, fireplace, couch and a holoprojector. She presumed it was for entertainment.... not that she needed such an escape. There was a fancy bathroom near the back with a tub and a shower head it gleamed with white tiles and the large sink and counter was very complementary to the size of the side room. Crystaall could only care less and less about the material things that surrounded her. Grey-Kast happily took his pistol as he watched Crystaall grab the dress and head toward the bathroom to change. He wanted to peak in on the young teen, but voted against it. He was too good to do such a dirty act and destroy the trust the two had quickly made. Crystaall quickly undressed herself, not thinking twice about slipping off one pair of clothes for a more fancy pair. She still wore her black boots underneath with her black tights and long dress. She began to feel something though..... a feeling very unfamiliar to her. Perhaps it was because she could finally be proud to be a girl in a dress, or maybe she felt more mature and presentable to the world. But these feeling passed quickly, for she remembered why she was here. Crystaall refused to get side-tracked from her quest of knowledge. In impatience, she burst out of the bathroom and walked straight up to Grey-Kast.
"Tell me everything you know about my past. If I am to somehow carve my future, I believe I must know how I got here. How did I lose my way?"
Grey-Kast sighed and scooted a little on the couch so Crystaall could take a seat.
"I'm not sure how you're going to respond to this. I'll be short and brief, since I can't explain everything, but understand that this is the absolute truth. You're sure you wish to hear this?"
"Grey-Kast I need to hear this."
"Alright, but prepare for a lot of Sithspit."